
世界日报  2024-05-31

【菲律宾世界日报专讯】Xiamen, 27 May 2024 - Ambassador Jaime A. FlorCruz, accompanied by Madame Ana Elena FlorCruz, and Undersecretary Antonio A. Morales as Guests of Honor, together with Philippine Consul General to Xiamen Maria Antonina M. Mendoza-Oblena unveiled the Chancery marker at the inauguration of the new  location of the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen on 24 May 2024.

厦门,2024  5  27 

2024  5  24 日举行的菲律宾驻厦门总领事馆新馆舍揭牌仪式上,菲律宾驻华大使吉米在其夫人与菲律宾外交部副部长安东尼奥·莫拉莱斯、总领事欧莉娜的陪同下共同为新馆舍揭牌。

One hundred sixty (160) guests led by the above-named leaders, together with Deputy-Secretary General Lian Gengsheng of the Xiamen Municipal People’s Government as Chinese Guest of Honor and Director Shen Ziling of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Fujian Provincial People’s Government, Singapore Consul General to Xiamen Chng Tze Chia, Acting Thai Consul General Nilobol Pimdee and Special Envoys to the President Benito Techico and Maynard Ngu attended the event.


Other guests were Chinese government officials, Chinese business leaders and Chamber officials, officials from Chinese instrumentalities and universities, officials from the other Consulates in Xiamen, Filipino professionals and community leaders, media people, artists and dependents of PCG personnel.


(Photo Above: Ambassador Jaime A. FlorCruz, Madame Ana Elena FlorCruz, Undersecretary Antonio A. Morales and Consul General Maria Antonina Mendoza-Oblena unveil new Chancery marker.
Photos below, left to right:  Ambassador FlorCruz, Undersecretary Morales, Deputy Secretary General Lian Gengsheng and CG Mendoza-Oblena delivering their remarks).



The new Chancery at No. 4 Consulate Road in Siming district was renovated to incorporate Philippine architectural elements and designed to showcase world-class Filipino artistry and craftmanship.It is a profound symbol of the deep historical, economic, cultural, and filial ties between the Philippines and China.  


Ambassador FlorCruz, in his Remarks, highlighted the importance of finding an “ideal home” for the Consulate to project the nation’s image and pride, reaffirm commitment to good friendly relations with China, provide a good environment for clients and stakeholders, and inspire personnel to provide efficient and effective service.


Undersecretary Morales stated that building a new office is a complex activity which can only be made possible through a strong relationship with the host country and host city. He acknowledged that PCG Xiamen fulfills the symbolic and practical aspects of establishing a consulate.


Deputy Secretary-General Lian conveyed that “China and Philippines are close neighbors with long-standing friendship and that sincerity and solidarity predominate in the millennium-old history” of Philippines-China bilateral relations, “which is also the shared aspiration of our two peoples”.



The Chancery at No. 4


Consul General Mendoza-Oblena rendered a powerpoint presentation detailing the ‘journey’ which led to the transfer of the Philippine Consulate General from its previous location for 29 years in Lianhua District to the current new location.


The Program was jumpstarted by a soulful rendition of “Anak” by former Xiamen-based artists, Mr. Juan Karlos Bayanin and Ms. Aila Bayanin and of “The Dream of the Sea”, a Chinese song, by popular Xiamen singer, Ms. Han Xinhai.

揭牌仪式由前常驻厦门艺术家Juan Karlos Bayanin先生和Aila Bayanin女士深情演绎的《孩子》和厦门著名歌手韩鑫海女士演唱的中文歌曲《海之梦》作为精彩开场。

Among the souvenir items provided was a beautifully-crafted 25-page “The Chancery at No. 4” book detailing design highlights of the new Chancery, messages from Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique A. Manalo and the Consul General, a short history of the Consulate General in Xiamen, and information about Architect Tecson Uy and Interior Designer Liz Go.Also provided were Love the Philippines collaterals such as t-shirts, tote bags, and calendars, provided by the Philippine Tourism Promotion Board (TPB).

赠送的纪念品包括一本精美的 25 页《The Chancery at No. 4》一书,书中详细介绍了新总领事馆的设计亮点、菲律宾外交部长马纳罗和总领事的致辞、厦门总领事馆的简史以及建筑师黄光竹和室内设计师王依乐的信息。此外,还赠送了菲律宾旅游促进会 (TPB)提供的“爱菲律宾”宣传纪念品,例如 T 恤、手提袋和日历。

The Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen was established on 15 February 1995, making it the first Philippine Consulate to be established in China and the first Consulate to be established in Xiamen.
